Film &

ASKANIA film cameras

Since the 1920s ASKANIA has produced innovative film cameras such as the ASKANIA Universal in 1923 and the ASKANIA Bi-Pack color camera in 1932. The first portable shoulder-mounted camera was developed by ASKANIA in 1935 and left its mark on the German film industry. In particular, well-known UFA productions like Der blaue Engelwith Marlene Dietrich orQuax, der Bruchpilotwith Heinz Rühmann relied on ASKANIA film cameras.

This picture shows Horst Siewert, the pioneer of the German wildlife film. He shot Das Jahr der Eiche with his ASKANIA, and his famous colleague, Heinz Sielmann, also liked to use our cameras at the beginning of his career.

We would like to thank the East Prussian State Museum Lueneburg for providing the picture.

Askania Projector

In the years before the war ASKANIA built significant projectors and projector lenses. One of the most outstanding projectors of the time was the Askania projector, which was brought to the market in 1926. The innovative ASKANIA projectors were used in many cinemas in Germany providing the audience with the latest blockbusters.


Building on the great times of the German film in the 1920s and the cinematic tradition of ASKANIA, the ASKANIA AWARD was launched in 2008, distinguishing the special achievements of the German film each year ever since. The ASKANIA AWARD is presented for outstanding acting performances, the ASKANIA Lifetime Achievement AWARD and the Shooting star AWARD for the best young actor.

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